
An exotic land of untold riches. A land culturally divided by race and caste. A land of a thousand divine religions. A land of heat, disease and death.

Indostan. A land at war.

While the remnants of the Great Gurkani Empire tosses in its death throes, a myriad of warring princely states and their private armies vie for the imperial throne. Both Britain and France, served by the British East Indostan Company and La Compagnie des Indostan, respectively, have harbored invested interests in Indostan for decades, conducting relatively peaceful and lucrative enterprise with the blessings of the last of the Gurkani Emperors. But with a war in Europe brewing and the volatile state of affairs in Indostan, each has been forced to back a royal claimant and join the war. Who will triumph in the relentless heat and claim Indostan as the Jewel in the Crown...?

This blog is dedicated to a wargaming campaign set in a fictitious 18th century India, using the Sharp Practice rules. Gathered here are all of the after action reports of the games played, location and character bios, as well as information on the terrain and miniatures used. Enjoy.


Indostan is a country hemmed in on all sides by impressive natural barriers. To the north lie the massive and impenetrable Heralayan Mountains, their highest peaks towering many miles above the low-lying lands to the south. West are the mountains of the Khubulis, which separate Indostan from the arid lands of the fierce Khubulistan tribesmen. East, the flat, swampy lowlands of eastern Indostan rise steeply into jungle-swathed hills which mark the boundaries of the territories of the Burpa Empire. And around all the rest lies the great ocean.
Much of northern Indostan is flat and covered in light forest. In the northeast is the Great Indostani Desert, which spans from the coast northeast toward the Heralayas.
Further south, two parallel mountain ranges, both far older and more weathered than the craggy, snow-capped Heralayas, run west from the coast across to the flood plain of the Ghooles far to the east. Behind these is the Peccan plateau. Bordering the plateau to the west are the Gnat Mountains.
On the seaward side of this range is a belt of tropical jungle. Far to the east are the lowlands, whose swampy ground is prone to severe seasonal flooding when the monsoons come. Much of the coastal area is a wide delta into which flows the mighty Ghooles, the most sacred of Indostan’s rivers. The other great river, the Indos, begins as a series of streams high in the Heralayas before crashing through the grasslands above the desert and onward to the sea.
Indostan’s climate varies greatly from a sweltering tropical heat in the south to cooler, temperate climes in the north near the Heralayan foothills. Seasonal monsoons can be extremely heavy, causing flash floods and mud slides.
Roads are few and far between, and dusty tracks commonly mark the routes between settlements. Bandits, tigers, and Thuggee cultists make travel dangerous, and parties are advised to travel in numbers for reasons of safety.

Bumbay - the smallest English fort and settlement located on an island just off mainland Indostan. It serves as the primary English naval base, who's main goal is defeat piracy in the area.

Chandrapur - a small English settlement in the north east of Indostan.

Ghoneriah - the notorious pyratehold hidden somewhere on the Madipras coast. Under the command of Admiral Makepeace, it was captured by the British fleet and put to the torch.

Madipras - the main English settlement and trade center in Indostan, protected by Fort St. Finnigan.

Richmonopoly -The seat of Prince Shahi Paneer.

Fort St. Dafydd - A small English fort, south down the coast from Madipras, in the vicinity of Popacherry.

Pisswah - A Princedom allied to Nawab Chunda Alott and the French.

Putpari - A Princedom allied to Prince Shahi Paneer and the English, famed for it's horsemen and bandits.

Aszole - the seat of Chunda Alott, Nawab of Aszole.

Popacherry - The main French settlement.