Taken from the memoirs of “With Keen in Indostan” by Major Archibald Keen (Click the images to enlarge)
Download the Big Men cards for this game here
…And that is how
the deplorable Lieutenant Maggot got laid up with dysentery, a turn of
events that would lead to my first active role in command and the
commencement proper, of my distinguished military career. Unbeknownst to
myself, the Peafowl, was about to embark on a series of perilous assignments.
A week later I found myself on deck with Captain Makepeace, whom was discussing (and liberally quoting from) his work, “A Treatise on Flux and other Rectal Ailments at Sea”,
when shouts from port alerted us to a burning hulk on the horizon.
Promptly changing course we came upon a scene of great dismay and
horror, a ship burnt to the waterline with near all hands lost. Our crew
pulled from the water three survivors whom at once relayed information
to Makepeace that the ship was once the Mary Anne, a Company brig out of
Bumbay, on route to Madapras, and confirmed our gravest fears, pyrates.
To make matters worse the cutthroats had taken a hostage, a young
daughter of a Company director, Miss Elizabeth Jovejoy, fresh in from
London, whom was engaged to marry an infantry Captain of some repute.
There was a glimmer of hope though, as the survivors revealed that the
pyrate ship had been holed during the exchange and did indeed seem to be
taking on water.
With great fury Captain Makepeace hobbled across the deck screaming orders; and with her sails billowing, the Peafowl
set course in the direction the pyrates had headed. As a mere Ensign, I
feared my first engagement in command would be fraught with
uncertainty, so took the opportunity to immediately drill the Marines,
Sergeant Maddox at my side. Thankfully, the giant Welshman thought good
of me and had long ago earned the respect of his men. While I put the
Marines through their paces I spied Lieutenant Wigglesworth watching
intently. Despised by most of the crew, the gentleman dandy looked on in
disdain at the rapport I shared with Maddox and I felt his stare burn
right through me. Indeed, he would prove a rival to watch.
By noon a small sail appeared on the horizon and the Peafowl
moved in to give chase, pursuing her quarry throughout the rest of the
day. Captain Makepeace commanded the ship with great skill, alas the
smaller craft, even though impaired, gave us the slip amongst the island
sandbars and reefs off the coast of Pisswah, our frigate being too deep
drafted to follow. As night was falling, anchored off shore from where
the ship had escaped us, undeterred, his sense of pride and duty driving
him, Captain Makepeace ordered landing parties arranged. He surmised
that the pyrates would be forced to make land fall and careen their
vessel, lest they flounder and sink. And so he planned at first light to
take to the boats and scour the island sandbars for them, a risky, but
profitable venture, for if we found them careening, there was little
chance of their escape.
Through the predawn fog we rowed, a mere three boats, as Makepeace was unwilling to leave the Peafowl
unmanned, lest she fall foul to lurking pyrates herself. The jack tars
strained at the oars, with no man uttering a word, as we silently glided
towards the shore. Dull glows greeted us through the mist and we knew
for sure then, that Makepeace’s gamble was correct - we had chanced upon
their encampment. As we closed we could see the dark form of a beached
vessel ahead and to it the men rowed steadily. The Captain’s prearranged
orders had been clear, we were to land quietly ashore, catch the
pyrates dozing and bring them quickly into custody, before they put up
too much of a fight.
Makepeace’s own boat, for he had insisted on leading the party
personally, made sterling time. Alas, I had found myself the only
officer aboard my launch and without a proper navy man to keep step, we
quickly lagged behind. On the other hand, Lieutenant Wigglesworth, who
commanded the last of the boats along with Sergeant Maddox, cut through
the surf with the swiftest of speed. Spurred on by menacing glares and
cursing oaths, Wigglesworth’s jack tars easily outpaced us and were
about to reach the shore, when a single shot rang out. We had been
pistol shot had come from the careened vessel, where a sure eyed pyrate
sentry stood, scanning out to sea. When Wigglesworth’s boat struck the
beach, pyrates were already leaping to their feet and arming themselves
within their camp. The pyrate quartermaster, a bald giant of a man, was
wailing like a banshee as he spurred the drunken rabble to arms. I saw
the sailors and Marines accompanying Lieutenant Wigglesworth disembark
the boat and gather on the beach. I knew Sergeant Maddox would keep the
men in order until I could arrive, which unfortunately would be for some
time yet.
pyrate camp was now astir with activity, as even more pyrates awoke,
and following hastily shouted orders were gathering to make a defense.
The pyrates were not the only ones shouting. As Captain Makepeace’s
launch hit the beach, he threw himself over the gunwale and in his
seaman’s voice, shouted at Wigglesworth to get his men to the cover of
the beached pyrate ship. Wigglesworth complied and he led the jack tars
he had arrived with to the safety of the careened vessel, which proudly
bore the infamous name, the Blue Raja. The ship was none other than that
of Captain Thomas “Indigo”, a despicable Englishman turned pyrate, who
had plagued this stretch of Indostan coast for many years.
on cue, “Indigo” showed his face amongst the mass of gathering pyrates
and with him, he dragged a slight form, that of Miss Lovejoy no doubt.
The pyrates were moving out to meet us with new vigor and some of the
musket armed blaggards even opened fire, although they posed no threat
at this range. Wigglesworth moved forward tentatively, as he too had
spied the mass of pyrates gathering before us. I finally reached the
shore, after what seemed like an eon, and the men and myself quickly
disembarked, mingling with Makepeace’s men in a knot. The Captain
ordered the remaining jack tars forward, leaving only the Marines at the
boats, which Sergeant Maddox had the enterprise to quickly organise
into some semblance of a fighting force. I acknowledged the competence
of the veteran soldier and gave him command of his own troupe.
wasted little time and quickly opened fire on the musket armed pyrates
gathering amongst the rocks, but at this range and cover, caused little
threat. I heard Captain Makepeace give command of a group of sailors to
Lieutenant Wigglesworth, ordering the fop to “Man those guns!!” He was
referring of course to the light naval cannons that had been removed
from the Blue Raja and were sitting half buried in the sand before us.
Makepeace then moved off through the underbrush uttering phrases from
his work, “A Treatise on Naval Military Tactics and the Modern Commander”, a small band of jack tars in tow.
quickly followed the order and while his men moved hurriedly forward
towards the guns, a large gang of pyrates, led by the giant
Quartermaster Briggs, moved menacingly close towards them. Seeing the
threat almost instantly, the pyrates in the rocks opened fire on
Wigglesworth, by fluke, killing a sailor, but the other men were safe
under the cover of the guns and cargo stacked before them. Sergeant
Maddox and his Marines moved up to cover the Lieutenant, sheltering
behind the gathered cargo, and delivered a return volley that had the
pyrates ducking.
all this occurred, I am embarrassed to say, my mind was lost to me. My
first real engagement in command and our late arrival on the beach had
put me all in a spin. I saw the faces and expressions of my men pleading
for direction, but the sounds of musket volleys and the roaring din of
the pyrate mob drowned my senses. I heard Wigglesworth’s whining screams
cut above the clamor, yelling at his men to man a cannon, and I
suddenly thought that I could not allow that cad to see me falter like
this. I took a deep breath, gathered my wits and ordered the Marines
forward. We almost instantly came into sight of the gathering pyrates
and I quickly ordered Halt! - Present! - Fire!! The volley felled a
cutthroat, but failed to check the pyrates and the giant, Quartermaster
Briggs, pushed through the powder smoke urging his dogs on. With a
frenzied yell, a mass of pyrates rushed for Wigglesworth and the guns.
the guns, Maddox and his Marines were engaged in an exchange with
pyrate musketmen, but as both parties had ample cover, little damage was
being dealt. Lieutenant Wigglesworth had his rapier out, dashing it
about, slashing and cursing at the jack tars to position the gun. They
were struggling with turning the heavy piece around to face the enemy,
when a bloodcurdling roar heralded the arrival of the vicious charge. In
a haze of pistol smoke and flashing cutlasses, the pyrates washed over
the jack tars like a deadly wave. Wigglesworth was struck by a pistol
ball that grazed his cheek, close to his beauty spot, and fell back
beaten, with his surviving men to the boat. Before the pyrates could
pursue them, Maddox’s Marines, turned and fired into the pyrates as they
clambered over the guns. The volley ripped through them and they turned
and fled, already exhausted from their fight with Wigglesworth.
had been making short work of a gang of cutthroats on the left, who had
failed to follow the charge home. The Marines were about to deliver a
fatal barrage, when the fleeing pyrates crossed our vision. I checked
their aim and ordered them fire on this new target. The volley saw them
drop their weapons and flee completely, running for their very lives.
Captain “Indigo” moved to halt their course, but there was nothing even
he could do, those men were beat. Spotting the infamous pyrate Captain, I
ordered the Marines quickly forward, firing on the remaining enemy as
we advanced. The delicate form of Miss Lovejoy gave a squeal of despair,
as “Indigo” dragged her back towards his camp.
at the guns, the big Welshman, Sergeant Maddox, faced the bald giant,
Quartermaster Briggs and his band of cutthroats. The pyrates leapt upon
the cargo gathered there to reach at the Redcoats, firing their pistol
and screaming a war cry. They proved no match for the disciplined
Marines, who stalwartly defended their makeshift barricade and the
pyrates were killed to a man, dropping like chaff to their bayonets.
Even the giant Quartermaster was felled by a mighty blow from Maddox’s
halberd, that near took off clean, his ugly bald head. A marine took the
giant pyrate prisoner, half dragging him to the boats, a trail of dark
blood marring the sand.
the threat at the guns eradicated, Wigglesworth skulked back, having
steadied his men’s retreat. He furiously dabbed at his wound with a
kerchief, which was stained with blood, while he screamed profanities at
the jack tars. The sailors gathered around the gun’s carriage again and
with a mighty heave, spun the piece around to face the enemy, and next
set about loading it with grapeshot. Events had suddenly taken a turn
for the better and it looked like we were finally in command of the
field, although “Indigo” and a knot of pyrates were still at large,
defending their camp.
men and myself were drawing near to the camp proper and driving before
us a few fleeing curs, when from out of the undergrowth charged Captain
Makepeace and his men. They quickly overwhelmed the fleeing pyrate
rabble, who threw down their arms, begging for mercy. Makepeace flashed
me a wink as he had his prisoners gathered up and put under guard. Free
now to concentrate on “Indigo”, we left Makepeace and marched boldly
towards the camp where we could see the pyrate captain preparing to make
his final stand. He still clutched Miss Lovejoy close in his filthy
hands, no doubt to use her as a shield against us.
checked the Marines, ordering them to hold their fire and pushed to the
front of their ranks. Holding my sword level at the cur, I screamed out
his name “Indigo, you dog! Come face me!” To my surprise the pyrate
captain pushed through his own men, shoving his lovely hostage into one
of their filthy embrace. His tongue dripped with ire and he spat at me
“Come on then, little boy. I’ll ‘ave your head off, whelp!” I stepped
forward warily, meeting him in the space between both our men and he
rushed me with his cutlass raised. Although skilled, he proved little
match for me and I soon gained the upper hand in the duel, delivering
him a terrible wound. He had cut me also, albeit lightly, but the cheers
of my men sealed his fate, and I soon had him surrendering at sword
point, his eyes wide with fear. He meekly began to appeal to his crew
for assistance, but I cut him off quickly, dragging him back to my men
and dashing any hopes he held for a rescue. I had captured the infamous
pyrate, Captain Thomas “Indigo”. I was about to call for the surrender
of the pyrates when an almighty explosion erupted to our right.
Wigglesworth and his sailors had finally managed to load and fire the
naval gun. The grapeshot blasted the pyrate musketmen still firing from
behind cover. The effect was totally demoralising and although none of
the pyrates were killed, they were near ready to flee. Surprisingly,
Wigglesworth abandoned the gun, ordered his small band to charge and
they rushed at their enemy screaming wildly. The pyrates shrank back
defeated, losing one of their number in the process, and withdrew
hurriedly back into the camp.
so it was that Wigglesworth and myself now stood facing down the
remaining pyrates, a ragged band of cutthroats, that still posed some
threat to Miss Lovejoy and the men. I was concerned only for the safety
of the lady and knew our next move must be a cautious one, but
Lieutenant Wigglesworth had a different plan. He skittered down into the
camp, his few sailors in tow, calling out the pyrate first mate, who
led the band now, slashing his rapier left and right. Although I
detested the man, I admired the brave gesture. ‘Twas the very pyrate
mate that had led the charge on Wigglesworth at the gun earlier and seen
him off. Thinking the dandy Lieutenant a push over, the first mate
moved forward issuing his own challenge, “If I defeats ye, me and the
men go free – agreed?” Wigglesworth agreed to the proposal with a nod
and stepped forward, saluting with his rapier. As soon as the first mate
closed, Wigglesworth shouted back to his men “Take him!” Instantly the
jack tars set upon the lone pyrate and quickly overpowered him, before
any of the others could join the melee. A cowardly act for sure, but now
leaderless, every remaining pyrate threw down their arms in surrender.
The day was won!
rushed to the aid of Miss Lovejoy, but Wigglesworth moved to her too.
She was near swooning with relief and sobbed tears of elation at her
liberation. It was Captain Makepeace that tended to her thankfully and
immediately seen to her needs. “Well done Gentlemen, well done indeed!”
Makepeace blurted out to us, “Young Mr. Keen, you have captured
“Indigo”, what a splendid effort, the Directors shall hear of this.”
Wigglesworth scowled in my direction, but nodded politely when Miss
Lovejoy caught sight of the action. “Gentlemen” she said, panting in her
pretty voice, “I owe you both a debt of gratitude. You are both so very
brave, my father and fiancĂ©e will be ever so grateful.” We both bowed
courteously and when Miss Lovejoy had been escorted off to the Peafowl,
eyed each other most untrustingly. Wigglesworth helped himself to a
small chest amongst the gathered booty and headed off himself and while
the men rounded up the pyrate prisoners and fired their ship, I
contemplated quietly to myself the great deed we had accomplished that
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The landing parties approach the beach |
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Lieutenant Wigglesworth's is the first boat to make landfall |
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The alarm is raised!! |
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The bald giant, Quartermaster Briggs, shouts commands to the pyrates |
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Wiggleswoth and his men disembark |
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Captain Makepeace and Ensign Keen are closing |
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The pyrates are stirring like angry ants |
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First Mate, Razuul rouses the cutthroats |
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Korsan Gurpreet and a mob of pyrate musketmen |
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Hoorah! Captain Makepeace arrives |
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Makepeace orders Wigglesworth into cover |
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The infamous Captain Thomas "Indigo" and his hostage, Miss Lovejoy |
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The pyrates move into a defensive position |
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Wigglesworth chances a look at the enemy |
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Keen arrives finally and orders his men to disembark |
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A chaotic scene at the boats |
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Under orders, Seaman Sprays moves off with his men |
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The jack tars round the Blue Raja |
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Pyrate musketmen take up positions in the rocks |
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Quartermaster Briggs, leads a band of pyrates headed for the British |
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The jack tars gather out of sight |
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Sergeant Maddox organises the Marines into two units... |
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...and opens fire! |
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The pyrate mob gets closer |
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Wigglesworth is ordered to "Man those guns!!" |
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The sailors rush to take the guns... |
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...and come under fire from the rocks. |
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Sergeant Maddox moves his Marines up to support Wigglesworth... |
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...and returns fire on the enemy |
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Keen suffers from tactical indecision... |
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...but eventually moves his men toward the pyrates |
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The jack tars throw their backs into positioning a cannon |
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The pyrates spy the threat and charge ahead, through a volley from Keen's Marines |
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The pyrates in the rocks pour fire onto the Marines |
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Maddox's Marines try to check the charge... |
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...but fails, and a bloody melee is joined over possession of the guns |
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Lieutenant Wigglesworth is wounded and retreats to the boats |
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Maddox's men fire on the victorious pyrates... |
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...which sees them flee right into the path of Keen's men |
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Even "Indigo" can't halt their flight and they flee |
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Quartermaster Briggs orders a charge into Maddox's Marines... |
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...with the pyrates being killed to a man - Briggs himself is badly wounded and captured |
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Wigglesworth skulks back to the guns, now the danger is past |
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His men position and load the cannon |
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Makepeace performs a classic flank maneuver... |
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...overwhelming a fleeing band of pyrates and capturing them alive |
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Keen confronts "Indigo" and calls the cur out |
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The pyrate captain accepts and Keen soundly out swords him |
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The gun fires grapeshot into the pyrate musketmen... |
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...and Wigglesworth follows it up with a wild charge... |
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...that drives the pyrates from their defensive position |
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Keen drags "Indigo" back to his men - the pyrate captain is captured - Hoorah!! |
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Challenging the last remaining pyrate leader to a duel, Wigglesworth has his men apprehend him |
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The day is won, the remaining pyrates surrender... |
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...their leaders captured and chained |
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But the real reward is the rescue of Miss Elizabeth Lovejoy |
game was played on the 30th December using the Sharp Practice rules. I
played the role of the Pyrates and Umpire, while Dave played the British
Marines and Christian the British Tars. This is the first official game
of our Indostan campaign.
As is typical of these games “our
hero”, Ensign Archibald Keen, had an amazing run of bad luck with
regards to having his Big Man card show up. It took Dave ages to get
Keen into play, but eventually he did and things started to look up for
him. Lieutenant Wigglesworth was Christian’s own doing. He had converted
and painted up his figure and wanted to play a dandy. What better man
than Wigglesworth to serve as Keen’s adversary. All in all a great
effort by the British, having fulfilled the scenario goals wholly and
Unfortunately the old Kodak ran out of batteries
just as things were hotting up and I was forced to resort to my HTC
mobile phone. The resulting images were less than great, but under the
circumstances had to suffice. Apologies for the poor pics.
Most of the pirate figures belonged to our late friend Rotary,
who had them painted up for a LoTHS campaign, but unfortunately never
got to play a single game with them. Let’s hope they did him proud in
their inaugural battle. This one’s for you old mate.
Lastly the small spiky bushes you see scattered about the table were kindly donated to Indostan by Mad Guru, of the amazing Maiwand Day Blog.
Anyone with an interest in the British conflicts in Afghanistan must
check this site out. I owe Mad Guru a long overdue thanks for being such
a kind bloke and sending me a small package full of plastic bushes for
free, and at considerable expense to himself. I would have publicly
thanked him much earlier, but this is the first game I have used them
in. The generosity of gentlemen wargamers never ceases to amaze me –
hats of to the Mad Guru!!
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Lieutenant Wigglesworth's Big Man card |